Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I found this in my phone today, I remember writing it after I came home rather drunk and after a really bad okcupid date.

Have we lost the ability to make honest connections with other people or is what we do is just another way to get in another persons pants? I'm sick of having meaningless relationships with people I barely know and would rather be apart of something good and meaningful which would benefit each other. Who are we when we think that we come on a dating website just to be friends or just to fuck? This is a hypocracy and a big callous fuck on the idea of love. So what do we do? Be apart of the ass which the internet provides on its sex laden platter or truly fall for someone who likes us for our faults, admires us for our pleasantries and picks us up again when were down. I want someone who likes my idiosyncrasies, pushes me beyond my limits, is a muse, a best friend, my lover, and loves me for who I am. Where is my goddess? Where can I feel warm again? I honestly doubt its even possible.
Should I give up? Is it an impossible dream which I have no hope of obtaining?
She's there somewhere, my muse who smiles when I speak, gently caresses my arms and kisses me before I go to bed. She adores me as I do her.
Or she's with someone else, settling for who is available as most have. She's an idea, a dream of what a girl could be and something I more than likely will never have.
What do you know about the people around you? There are 8 million people in new york and how many of them are in good relationships? Ideal? Haha! That's a joke. Most I would think go through an 8 month stint which never amounts to anything. I envy those who have something truly wonderful in their lives. Maybe I'm bitter, maybe I'm idealistic and want something I will never truly have.
I mess up, and I don't even know it.
I want so badly to fall in love.
I wish sometimes it wasn't so hard for people to like me, or for me to like them.

Just thought I would share it with the world, secretly
